Protecting Customer & Client Lists
Client and customer lists are often a company’s most important asset. Legally protecting that asset in California can be difficult.
Osha’s Form 300 And 300a Requirements For Employers
As an important reminder, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires most employers to post a summary of work-related injuries and illnesses in their workplace starting on February 1st.
Important New Law Applicable To All Employers For 2012!
The California Legislature recently enacted a new law that requires all employers to give their new hires written notice regarding the terms of their employment. This law goes into effect on January 1, 2012.
California Legislature Extends Prohibition Against Type I Indemnity Provisions To Commercial Construction
A Type I indemnity agreement requires the subcontractor to pay one-hundred percent of a claim for which the subcontractor and general contractor are jointly responsible, regardless of the respective degree of fault.
Additional Insurance Coverage
In an effort to spread the cost of construction defect litigation, many carriers for general contractors and subcontractors have begun requiring their named insureds to obtain “additional insured” coverage from the named insureds’ subcontractors.
Which Model Is Best For Your Divorce?
The end of a marriage is often equated with death. There are various stages of mourning one undergoes upon a “death” of a marriage.
Understanding The Role Of The Experts In Family Law
What many family law litigants are not completely familiar with is the role of the expert in a family law matter. Understanding the role of the experts and how they can be useful can assist clients in achieving the most favorable result possible.