Everyone knows the real estate term “Location, location, location.” Commercial property owners understand that the location of their land is crucial for a successful business venture. Therefore, it can be upsetting for them to hear that the government is going to take...
Real Estate Law
Is there anything I can do to stop the foreclosure process?
If you are a homeowner and you’re facing a risk of foreclosure, you’re likely very stressed out. As a result, you may be – understandably – tempted to react to your situation emotionally. However, it’s important to stay as calm as you can and to think through your...
3 top complaints that may lead to real estate non-disclosure lawsuits
Residential real estate transactions in California often lead to six or seven-figure debts for those acquiring new homes. Typically, sellers have to disclose any known issues with a property to a buyer before the transaction occurs. Buyers often also pay to have...
Understanding the various types of easements
Buying a home is a major investment that most people take very seriously. While most people think about the inspection of the home when they consider due diligence, there’s another important component – checking for easements on the property. An easement is the right...
Elements of a landlord-tenant contract
Landlords want tenants who will respect the property, pay their rent on time, and not cause problems. Tenants wish to have a landlord who will respect their privacy, provide safe living conditions, and make repairs promptly. A signed rental agreement is the best way...
SoCal commercial real estate market is shifting
Those who are interested in investing in commercial real estate in Southern California are increasingly having to take creative approaches to their efforts in order to have them pay off. For decades, the majority of commercial real estate space in SoCal that hasn’t...
Do you need to honor an existing easement?
When you buy a property, it may already have an easement. This means that a legal agreement has already been reached where someone who doesn’t own that property is allowed to use it. This use may be very limited in scope, depending on the terms of the easement. For...
How does eminent domain work?
One of the most worrying phrases a property owner can hear in relation to their place is “eminent domain”. It means the government wants to take your land. Eminent domain is a necessary law to have, as, with so much land being privately owned, it would only take one...
What are contingencies when closing on real estate?
Buying a house is a massive commitment, so you want to be certain that it’s the right deal for you. The trouble is, you can only tell if you have all your ducks in a row after signing a closing agreement. That’s when you can do the final things necessary to ensure the...
What is a quiet title action?
One of the worst problems you can encounter when purchasing real estate involves discovering issues with the title. The problem might be that the person selling the property does not have the full right to sell it because someone else is claiming ownership. Or it...
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